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✅Builders CFO Program
✅Business Improvement Program
✅Taxation Advice
This is one we get asked all the time.
In short, you may be entitled to fuel tax credits for non-transport gaseous fuels that have been subject to the carbon pricing mechanism and used in specified agriculture, fishing or forestry activities.
The only fuels that are not eligible are:
- Aviation Fuels (aviation gasoline and aviation kerosene) – unless you have been declared by the Clean Energy Regulator as a designated opt-in person under the opt-in scheme
- Fuels you use in light vehicles of 4.5 tonne gross vehicle mass (GVM) or less, travelling on a public road
- Fuel you acquired but did not use because it was lost, stolen or otherwise disposed of
- Some alternative fuels, such as ethanol or biodiesel that have already received another grant or subsidy.
We’ve published a detailed reference for our clients to fully understand Fuel Tax Rates and their background if you need more information.
To find out if your eligible we’ve put together this infographic and welcome you to contact us and discuss your unique situation.
DISCLAIMER: The above information is general in nature, and must be tailored to your personal circumstances. The information is provided as a guide only.
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